Club Campestre de Bucaramanga


On June 11, 1930, before the First Notary of the Bucaramanga Circuit, the 508 deed of foundation of the Sociedad Anónima Club Campestre de Bucaramanga was signed by the following gentlemen: Dr. Francisco Sorzano, surgeon: Doctors Eduardo Rueda and Isaías Cepeda, lawyers; Emilio Montoya Gaviria and Elmer A. Probst, engineers; Enrique Paillie, Gabriel Silva Vargas , Jacobo A. Correa, Roberto Carreño, Estanislao Olarte, Christian Clausen, José Lega, Alberto Mendoza, Ernesto Sanmiguel, Antonio Chedraui and Luis Sánchez Puyana, merchants.

This was the crystallization of the idea launched by the great gentleman Dr. Elmer A. Probst, collected and put into practice by that other great Creole gentleman and paisa Dr. Emilio Montoya Gaviria, was the conjunction of the thrust of the Norse race with the bravery and stubbornness for every enterprise of the mountain sons.

These two gentlemen who put all their energy at the service of the Club in their early years, were also joined by Roberto Carreño, Enrique Paillie, and in general all those who subscribed to the formation of the society, and lately in a special way, Dr. Ricardo Wills Martínez, Alfonso Silva Silva and all the current Board Members who have put all their enthusiasm to make our Club one of the first in the country and who have been lending their selfless contingent five years ago, since they have to pay administration fees like any other partner and do not earn any emoluments for their management.

The economic and social life of our Club has had several times since its foundation. Until 1934, it was progressing slowly but surely, the first house was built, the tennis courts, the golf courses on land not owned by the Society and which were later destroyed by the urbanization of the Sotomayor neighborhood and the first trees were planted; the attendance to the Club was little, but sustained, there were meetings on Sundays and one or two holidays in the year. 

The year 1935 came, of thankless memory, because in this year the Club passed the most precarious time; the number of members decreased in alarming way, the attendance to the center became null, the entrances therefore were small and the support of the Institution seemed impossible, The Sunday holidays were abolished and the shares were quoted in the market at $20.00 without buyers.

It was at the beginning of the year 1936, when in view of the total disorganization, an important nucleus of shareholders, in the meeting of the General Assembly, proposed the complete organization of the Club, calling to the presidency a partner that would face the responsibility of such a work. In this way was elected Dr. Ricardo Wills Martinez, who with his talent, chivalry and great tact knew how to avoid problems, pay short-term debts, which were all in arrears, plaster the old building, buy some furniture and equipment essential for better service and leave it in a year of management with a large social movement, Larger number of partners and well standing long-term debt arrangement with Insurance and Urbanization for the purchase of the first block of land and the construction of the first house.

In January 1937, in view of the resignation presented by Dr. Wills Martínez, Don Alfonso Silva Silva Silva was called to the Presidency, thus beginning the era of accelerated progress; In a land completely paid by its predecessor, the debt with Insurance and Urbanization was settled, which of an amount of $8,700.oo in round numbers was paid with $6,000.00 obtained from the Central Mortgage Bank, achieving a reduction of $2,700.oo. The exploration work was done to obtain own water to supply the pool in project, since several years ago, with great result, because immediately the well was built that produces three inches of water of unbeatable quality; the lot for the pool and adjacent park was acquired, as well as the lot where the artesian well was located and built; it was given in due form beginning, to the work of arborization entrusted to the enthusiastic and wise direction of

Dr. Ricardo Wills Martínez, who was the soul of this work as well as the gardens that we can see today, and the construction of the pool was planned.

It began the year of 1938 with water, but without swimming pool the common funds did not leave but a small remnant, to commit the work, the Board raised the quota of administration of the partners, who approved such increase in favor of the progress and the works developed and projected, The work began and was completed in October of the same year with the inauguration of the beautiful pool, admired today by all who visit us.

Re-elected in 1939 the Board of Directors with a few small changes, and re-elected don Alfonso Silva Silva Silva for President, with the enthusiasm of the works executed that gave an unusual development to the Club, imposing in our society the festivals that are held there every week and the extraordinary ones that are often carried out, and duly authorized by the Assembly, was financed with a loan between the partners the construction of the new building, leaving it very advanced in the course of that year, having been inaugurated in October of the same top floor with the first gala dance that was carried out in the Club since its foundation. A Spanish-style kiosk was also built in the middle of the gardens adjacent to the pool.

The year of 1940 came, the Assembly gave a vote of applause to the Board and its president for the works carried out and reelected its Members, with a change only of the alternate vowels, the work of the new building was continued leaving it finished, excepting its decoration; a new kiosk was built that provides the service of tribune to witness the swimming events and a building for bowling court, with its hall for Bar, mounted on it, a double court of American Bolo, which according to technicians is unbeatable; It was made front entrance to the grounds of the Club; 44.342 square meters of land were acquired with Insurance and Urbanization, achieving with this business isolate us from an urbanization.

you can see, it has been three years of intense work, of works developed and executed, of growing progress,

of activity and of goodwill on the part of the leaders and all the partners to present a Center at the height of the best in the country, to be the true anteroom of the city.

Next year, once again re-elected, the Junta and its President, with a new round of applause from the Assembly for their work, the season of calm begins, with the exception of the long-term ones that have been attended to on time. The Board appoints a Games Committee, composed mostly of young elements, real athletes, who have come to collaborate in an enthusiastic and determined way in the improvement of the social and sports life of all members of the Club; under his intelligent initiative and vigilance developed the beautiful contest to choose the Princess of the Club, the festivities to celebrate the eleventh anniversary of its foundation, festivities that have been the most active and crowded of those that had taken place, culminating in the most elegant gala ball of the 14th of June in which the charming Miss Maria Teresa Barreto Puyana was proclaimed PRINCESS OF THE COUNTRY CLUB in 1941.

The projects for these six months are contrary to the decoration of the new building, in order to present it in due form for the festivities of the month of December with motives of the V National Athletic Games, to close the negotiation of the rest of the land needed for the golf courses, either with their Successors of David Puyana S.A, or with Insurance and Urbanization, to the construction of a new tennis court of brick dust , last word in this sport, and direct management of the Club in order to better serve members and their families.

I do not want to finish this review of the life of our Club without leaving record of the very important collaboration of the engineers Tutzer and Fisher; theirs are the modern works carried out in the last years of work.

This is broadly the life of Club Campestre de Bucaramanga since its foundation. Short but fruitful life.


On June 11, 1930, before the First Notary of the Bucaramanga Circuit, the 508 deed of foundation of the Sociedad Anónima Club Campestre de Bucaramanga was signed by the following gentlemen: Dr. Francisco Sorzano, surgeon: Doctors Eduardo Rueda and Isaías Cepeda, lawyers; Emilio Montoya Gaviria and Elmer A. Probst, engineers; Enrique Paillie, Gabriel Silva Vargas , Jacobo A. Correa, Roberto Carreño, Estanislao Olarte, Christian Clausen, José Lega, Alberto Mendoza, Ernesto Sanmiguel, Antonio Chedraui and Luis Sánchez Puyana, merchants.

This was the crystallization of the idea launched by the great gentleman Dr. Elmer A. Probst, collected and put into practice by that other great Creole gentleman and paisa Dr. Emilio Montoya Gaviria, was the conjunction of the thrust of the Norse race with the bravery and stubbornness for every enterprise of the mountain sons.

These two gentlemen who put all their energy at the service of the Club in their early years, were also joined by Roberto Carreño, Enrique Paillie, and in general all those who subscribed to the formation of the society, and lately in a special way, Dr. Ricardo Wills Martínez, Alfonso Silva Silva and all the current Board Members who have put all their enthusiasm to make our Club one of the first in the country and who have been lending their selfless contingent five years ago, since they have to pay administration fees like any other partner and do not earn any emoluments for their management.

The economic and social life of our Club has had several times since its foundation. Until 1934, it was progressing slowly but surely, the first house was built, the tennis courts, the golf courses on land not owned by the Society and which were later destroyed by the urbanization of the Sotomayor neighborhood and the first trees were planted; the attendance to the Club was little, but sustained, there were meetings on Sundays and one or two holidays in the year. 

The year 1935 came, of thankless memory, because in this year the Club passed the most precarious time; the number of members decreased in alarming way, the attendance to the center became null, the entrances therefore were small and the support of the Institution seemed impossible, The Sunday holidays were abolished and the shares were quoted in the market at $20.00 without buyers.

It was at the beginning of the year 1936, when in view of the total disorganization, an important nucleus of shareholders, in the meeting of the General Assembly, proposed the complete organization of the Club, calling to the presidency a partner that would face the responsibility of such a work. In this way was elected Dr. Ricardo Wills Martinez, who with his talent, chivalry and great tact knew how to avoid problems, pay short-term debts, which were all in arrears, plaster the old building, buy some furniture and equipment essential for better service and leave it in a year of management with a large social movement, Larger number of partners and well standing long-term debt arrangement with Insurance and Urbanization for the purchase of the first block of land and the construction of the first house.

In January 1937, in view of the resignation presented by Dr. Wills Martínez, Don Alfonso Silva Silva Silva was called to the Presidency, thus beginning the era of accelerated progress; In a land completely paid by its predecessor, the debt with Insurance and Urbanization was settled, which of an amount of $8,700.oo in round numbers was paid with $6,000.00 obtained from the Central Mortgage Bank, achieving a reduction of $2,700.oo. The exploration work was done to obtain own water to supply the pool in project, since several years ago, with great result, because immediately the well was built that produces three inches of water of unbeatable quality; the lot for the pool and adjacent park was acquired, as well as the lot where the artesian well was located and built; it was given in due form beginning, to the work of arborization entrusted to the enthusiastic and wise direction of

Dr. Ricardo Wills Martínez, who was the soul of this work as well as the gardens that we can see today, and the construction of the pool was planned.

It began the year of 1938 with water, but without swimming pool the common funds did not leave but a small remnant, to commit the work, the Board raised the quota of administration of the partners, who approved such increase in favor of the progress and the works developed and projected, The work began and was completed in October of the same year with the inauguration of the beautiful pool, admired today by all who visit us.

Re-elected in 1939 the Board of Directors with a few small changes, and re-elected don Alfonso Silva Silva Silva for President, with the enthusiasm of the works executed that gave an unusual development to the Club, imposing in our society the festivals that are held there every week and the extraordinary ones that are often carried out, and duly authorized by the Assembly, was financed with a loan between the partners the construction of the new building, leaving it very advanced in the course of that year, having been inaugurated in October of the same top floor with the first gala dance that was carried out in the Club since its foundation. A Spanish-style kiosk was also built in the middle of the gardens adjacent to the pool.

The year of 1940 came, the Assembly gave a vote of applause to the Board and its president for the works carried out and reelected its Members, with a change only of the alternate vowels, the work of the new building was continued leaving it finished, excepting its decoration; a new kiosk was built that provides the service of tribune to witness the swimming events and a building for bowling court, with its hall for Bar, mounted on it, a double court of American Bolo, which according to technicians is unbeatable; It was made front entrance to the grounds of the Club; 44.342 square meters of land were acquired with Insurance and Urbanization, achieving with this business isolate us from an urbanization.

you can see, it has been three years of intense work, of works developed and executed, of growing progress,

of activity and of goodwill on the part of the leaders and all the partners to present a Center at the height of the best in the country, to be the true anteroom of the city.

Next year, once again re-elected, the Junta and its President, with a new round of applause from the Assembly for their work, the season of calm begins, with the exception of the long-term ones that have been attended to on time. The Board appoints a Games Committee, composed mostly of young elements, real athletes, who have come to collaborate in an enthusiastic and determined way in the improvement of the social and sports life of all members of the Club; under his intelligent initiative and vigilance developed the beautiful contest to choose the Princess of the Club, the festivities to celebrate the eleventh anniversary of its foundation, festivities that have been the most active and crowded of those that had taken place, culminating in the most elegant gala ball of the 14th of June in which the charming Miss Maria Teresa Barreto Puyana was proclaimed PRINCESS OF THE COUNTRY CLUB in 1941.

The projects for these six months are contrary to the decoration of the new building, in order to present it in due form for the festivities of the month of December with motives of the V National Athletic Games, to close the negotiation of the rest of the land needed for the golf courses, either with their Successors of David Puyana S.A, or with Insurance and Urbanization, to the construction of a new tennis court of brick dust , last word in this sport, and direct management of the Club in order to better serve members and their families.

I do not want to finish this review of the life of our Club without leaving record of the very important collaboration of the engineers Tutzer and Fisher; theirs are the modern works carried out in the last years of work.

This is broadly the life of Club Campestre de Bucaramanga since its foundation. Short but fruitful life.


Lina María Figueroa Cárdenas
Diana Patricia Castaño  Benavides - Director of Member Service
Zulma Yolanda Aguirre Forero – Directora de Alimentos y Bebidas
Sandra Yineth Arias Caballero  - Director of Marketing and Sales
Marlon Yesid Durán  – Director Financiero 
Oscar Eduardo Higuera  – Director de Operaciones
Rosa Margarita Téllez Hernández - Sports coordinator
Esther Jaimes Suescún - Coordinator of Human Talent
Edgar Ignacio Herrera Mejía – Coord. de Compras de insfrastructura
Heber Felizzola Angarita – Coord. de Compras de Alimentos y Bebidas
Franklin Juvenal Bautista Roldán - Coordinator of Control and Costs
Nelson Enrique Carreño Pérez – Coordinator of Almacen and Processes
Sergio Mauricio Duarte - Technology Coordinator
Efren Nieves Gómez - Maintenance Coordinator
Carol Corredor Rojas - Coordinator of Complementary Services
Gladys Smith Gómez Delgado - Special Services Coordinator
Silvio Carlos Pacheco Arteaga - Internal Control and Quality Coordinator
Iván Andrés Garzón Palma - Chef
Claudia Villabona – Líder Comercial
Jose Luis Cruz Guerra - Supervisor of Control and Supervision
Nestor Iván Valencia Corrales - Food and Beverage Supervisor
Wilmer Eduardo Rico Maldonado – Food and Beverage Supervisor
Jenssy Leonardo Pico Sinning - Gym Supervisor
Adriana Almeida – Supervisora de Casa de Campo


En nuestro Club, trabajamos por un propósito claro: fomentar el bienestar integral de nuestros socios, huéspedes y clientes. Buscamos crear espacios donde las actividades socioculturales, deportivas y recreativas se desarrollen en un entorno exclusivo y familiar.

Lo que nos distingue, no es solo la calidad de nuestros servicios, sino el humanismo que se refleja en cada interacción social.

Nuestra infraestructura, en constante evolución, se desarrolla en perfecta armonía con el medio ambiente, garantizando un futuro más sostenible para todos. Cada rincón está diseñado para que sientas que perteneces aquí, que eres parte de una comunidad vibrante y acogedora.


Para el 2027 aspiramos y trabajamos para ser un Club de referencia a nivel nacional.

Nuestra meta es lograr la excelencia en todos los aspectos: desde la prestación de servicios deportivos, hasta la experiencia de un hospedaje memorable y una oferta gastronómica que deleite cada paladar.

Queremos que nuestro nombre sea reconocido por la alta calidad de lo que ofrecemos y por la calidez de nuestro personal, que siempre estará a tu disposición. Además, nos comprometemos a seguir creciendo, manteniendo una infraestructura moderna y en constante mejora. Todo esto, mientras reafirmamos nuestro firme compromiso con la sostenibilidad ambiental y la responsabilidad social, sin perder nunca de vista la viabilidad económica.

Con nosotros, cada experiencia será un paso hacia un mañana mejor, donde el bienestar y la comunidad son nuestro mayor legado.


Through this instrument, the company CLUB CAMPESTRE DE BUCARAMANGA S.A., a legal entity under private law, duly constituted under Colombian law and identified with the tax identification number 804.000.601-3, orders, prescribes and determines, its System of Self-control and Comprehensive Risk Management for LA/FT/FPADM crimes, as well as the procedure for conducting the Suspicious Transaction Report, and the Business Procedures Manual.

Quality Policy

In Club Campestre de Bucaramanga we have a commitment to meet the expectations of our members, guests and customers; delivering the best in the provision of sports, leisure, accommodation, food and drinks. We are convinced of the need for continuous improvement of our processes and generation of well-being for our partners.


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