Club Campestre de Bucaramanga

Venta de Acciones

VENTA DE ACCIONES EL CLUB CAMPESTRE DE BUCARAMANGA S.A., se permite informar a sus accionistas, que en cumplimiento del Artículo 28 de los Estatutos sociales, durante el mes de marzo de 2024, se recibieron las siguientes ofertas de acciones: JOHN ANDRÉS FELIPE GONZÁLEZ ANGARITA quien ofrece en venta paquete de 523 acciones, JULIANA MARCELA LIZARAZO AMADO quien ofrece en venta paquete de 1.533 acciones, ANTONIO VICENTE ROJAS BONILLA quien ofrece en venta paquete […]

Noche de Bodas

INCLUYE: Botella de champaña Arreglo floral Chocolates Pétalos Desayuno a la habitación Cena para dos personas VALOR: $624.000 más impuestos

Electric Feel And Of Other Things

While there’s nothing better than relaxing in a lounge chair on the beach, some days you just want to enjoy something a bit more active. That is why we’ve put together a few of our top suggestions when it comes to activities. While you can’t go wrong with any Seven Mile Beach activity, we think […]

Why Hotel Comfort is Important

While there’s nothing better than relaxing in a lounge chair on the beach, some days you just want to enjoy something a bit more active. That is why we’ve put together a few of our top suggestions when it comes to activities. While you can’t go wrong with any Seven Mile Beach activity, we think […]

Dazed & Confused

While there’s nothing better than relaxing in a lounge chair on the beach, some days you just want to enjoy something a bit more active. That is why we’ve put together a few of our top suggestions when it comes to activities. While you can’t go wrong with any Seven Mile Beach activity, we think […]

Like Thousand Rolling Stones

While there’s nothing better than relaxing in a lounge chair on the beach, some days you just want to enjoy something a bit more active. That is why we’ve put together a few of our top suggestions when it comes to activities. While you can’t go wrong with any Seven Mile Beach activity, we think […]


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